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He rārangi tikanga atawhai mō te oranga me te haumaru  o ngā ākonga katoa i roto i te mātauranga matua, akoranga mō nga tauira nō te ao whānui hoki (Rārangi Tikanga Atawahi) | A code for the wellbeing and safety of all learners in tertiary education, and international students in school.

Consultation on the proposed changes to improve Te oranga me te haumaru ākonga | Learner wellbeing and safety closed on 21 May.

From 7 April to 21 May 2021, the Ministry of Education consulted on the new code of pastoral care for tertiary and international learners, new dispute resolution scheme for domestic learners, and proposed law changes. Consultation on te oranga me te haumaru ākonga | learner wellbeing and safety is now closed.

We appreciated the time and energy of the over 100 individuals and groups who provided written submissions, and the 60 individuals and groups we met with virtually and kānohi ki te kānohi during this time.

A new code has just been published on the Ministry of Education’s website, which you can find below.

Education (Pastoral Care of Domestic Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021

The code will come into effect from 1 January 2022 and will apply to all tertiary providers and schools enrolling international students.

Just a moment...

He aha te kaupapa o te rārangi tikanga?

Ka whakawhanaketia tētahi rārangi tikanga mō te oranga me te haumaru o ngā ākonga katoa i tēnei tau, ā, ka whakapūmautia i mua i te 1 Kohitātea 2022. Ko tāna he tātaku i ngā hiahia mō ngā mahi e tika ana mō ngā whakahaere tuatoru mō te haumaru me te oranga ākonga.

I roto i tēnei rārangi tikanga ka haumitia ngā rārangi tikanga o nāianei mō ngā akonga o Aotearoa, o tāwāhi hoki, me te whakauru i ētahi wāhanga mōtuhake i te rārangi tikanga mō:

  • ngā kāinga ākonga
  • ngā tikanga whakauru a ngā kaiwhakarato tuatoru i ngā ākonga o tāwāhi
  • ngā tikanga whakauru a ngā kura i ngā ākonga o tāwāhi.

What’s the code about?

A code for the wellbeing and safety of all learners in tertiary education and all international students will be developed this year and be put in place by 1 January 2022. It sets out the expectations that tertiary organisations must meet for learners’ wellbeing and safety.

This code will bring together the current codes for domestic and international learners with separate parts of the code for:

  • student accommodation
  • tertiary providers enrolling international students
  • schools enrolling international students (this part restates existing requirements for schools).

He aha he rārangi tikanga i hiahiatia ai?

Kei te panoni haere te pūnaha mātauranga o Aotearoa. He mea whakatārewa ngā hiahia o ngā ākonga katoa, o ō rātou whānau, hapori hoki, waihoki te whakatutuki i te Tiriti o Waitangi, kia puta ai he painga ōrite mō ngā ākonga.

I tēnei wā, e rua ngā momo rārangi tikanga:

  • Kua tata atu te mōnehu o te mana o te rārangi tikanga atawhai i whakaurungia i te tau 2020, i muri i te matenga whakaaroha o tētahi ākonga i tētahi kāinga noho ākonga, arā, ka mōnehu hei te mutunga o tēnei tau.
  • Ko tētahi atu rārangi kua roa noa atu te whāinga mana, ko te rārangi tikanga mō ngā ākonga mai i tāwāhi.

He wā pai tēnei kia haumitia ēnei rārangi tikanga e rua hei rārangi kotahi e kapi katoa ai ngā kaiwhakarato mātauranga matua katoa. 

Why is the code needed?

The education system in Aotearoa New Zealand is changing. The needs of all learners, their families and communities, and honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi are being put first to deliver more equitable benefits for learners.

Currently, there are two sets of codes:

  • The interim code of practice for pastoral care which was introduced in 2020 as an urgent response to tragic events involving the death of a learner in a hall of residence
  • The code of practice for international students which has been in place for many years.

With the interim code of practice for pastoral care due to expire at the end of 2021, we are using this opportunity to bring the two codes together, incorporate each of their strengths into the new code and use your feedback to inform its final form.

He aha ngā rerekētanga i raro i te rārangi tikanga hou?

Atu i 1 o Kohitātea 2022, me mātua whakatutuki ngā kaiwhakarato mātauranga matua katoa i ngā ritenga mārama taurite mō te haumaru me te oranga ākonga. Kia tāwariwari hoki ēnei rārangi e taea ai te whakahau tikanga urupare ki ngā hiahia o ō rātou ākonga, hapori hoki.

E marohi ana mātou kia whakarerekētia ngā ritenga mō ngā kaiwhakarato mātauranga matua whai ākonga mai i tāwāhi. I tēnei wā kārekau he panonitanga i marohitia mō ngā kura whai ākonga mai i tāwāhi.

What difference will the new code make?

From 1 January 2022, we expect all tertiary education providers to meet the same clear set of expectations for learners’ wellbeing and safety. They will have flexibility to put in place processes that respond to the needs of their learners and communities.

We are proposing changes for tertiary education providers with international students. We are not proposing changes for schools with international students at this time.

Read the full discussion document.

Click on the link below to read the full discussion document.

Te oranga me te haumaru ākonga | Learner wellbeing and safety

This consultation has closed.