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The Tomorrow’s Schools Review Independent Taskforce has received a number of briefing papers on specific issues. The papers are listed below and can be downloaded as a pdf. If you have difficulty accessing the documents please email Tomorrows.Schools@education.govt.nz.

Governance in the New Zealand schooling system

This paper focuses on the compulsory school and kura governance structures in the New Zealand schooling system. It provides an overview of current governance configurations, and also an overview of the suggestions that commentators have made regarding how governance could be configured in the future. Whole-of-system governance is out of scope.

Read the Governance paper 

Accountability in the New Zealand schooling system

This paper provides a broad and high-level overview of accountability in the schooling system, including the role and purpose of accountability in school systems and evidence on effective accountability in school systems, core accountability settings introduced through the Tomorrow’s Schools reforms, and the current accountability features of the New Zealand school system.

Read the Accountability paper 

Student outcomes in the New Zealand schooling system

This paper provides information about how students are faring in the New Zealand school system. It covers student achievement and progress at primary and secondary levels, participation and engagement, and school leaver outcomes and destinations.  The primary and secondary sections each look at equity – how socio-economic, gender and ethnicity factors relate to student achievement, progress and outcomes. It also covers the inclusiveness of schools and wellbeing of students using findings from recent studies and surveys. Early Childhood Education (ECE) and Tertiary Education performance data is out of scope of the Review so has not been included here.

Read the student outcomes paper 

Agencies in the education system

This paper sets out and briefly explores the role, function and alignment of the core agencies supporting New Zealand’s schools. The Terms of Reference for the Tomorrow’s Schools review identifies the roles of the entities in supporting schools. The following entities are covered in this paper:

  • Ministry of Education
  • Education Review Office
  • New Zealand Qualifications Authority
  • Network for Learning
  • Education Council
  • New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA).

Read the agencies in the education system paper

Literature Review

In April 2018 the Taskforce were provided with a review of relevant literature.

Read the literature review provided to the Taskforce here

Country studies

During the course of their review in 2018 the Taskforce were provided with summaries on a range of international education systems.

Read the summary of the education system in England here

Read the summary of the education system in Estonia here

Read the summary of the education system in Finland here

Read the summary of the education system in Massachusetts here

Read the summary of the education system in the Netherlands here

Read the summary of the education system in Ontario here

Read the summary of the education system in Scotland here

Read the summary of the education system in Singapore here

Read the summary of the education system in Sweden here