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We propose allowing National Student Numbers (NSNs) to be used for the purpose of ensuring employers and industry receive appropriate resourcing to support work-based learning.

The current law allows industry trainees and apprentices to have NSNs. However, NSNs are not able to be used to allocate and monitor resourcing for learners in work-place based education and training when the funding is not administered through a registered provider.

Other methods to perform the necessary monitoring of student achievement and funding allocations take more time and resources than if NSNs were used. In particular, the Ministry of Education is required to develop bespoke arrangements with a range of agencies involved in various initiatives aimed at supporting work-based learning. Employers and students are also impacted by unnecessarily long waiting times for funding allocations

This change will let government agencies more easily fund and monitor the use of that funding.

Click the link below to download the full discussion document.

Proposed changes to using the National Student Numbers to support workplace-based learning

This consultation has closed.